Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” - John 6:35
A Ministry of Milton United Methodist Church
New Hope Food Pantry is a ministry of the Milton United Methodist Church. We offer food distribution two times a month for families in need in our community. Distribution days are usually the first Thursday and third Saturday of the month. In partnership with other churches, schools and organizations we also offer complete Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner baskets, children’s Easter baskets and school supplies. Food donations are always welcome and can be dropped in the gray bin behind the church at any time. Financial donations are also welcome.

We know these times can be difficult these days for a lot of families here in Jefferson. That is why the Milton United Methodist New Hope Food Pantry provides food products and personal hygiene items twice per month. We also meet with families in-between our regularly scheduled distribution days as needed. In partnership with other churches, schools and organizations we also offer complete Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner baskets, children’s Easter baskets and school supplies. We are here to help!